I received early training in oil and various other mediums, but have been primarily self-taught in watercolor. I love it for its transparency and luminosity. It’s an especially suitable medium to capture the radiance and beauty of flowers and nature. I sometimes add metallic or iridescent paint for accents, which brings a bit of sparkle and luminescence to the piece.
Flowers and birds have long been favorite subjects. What would the world be without them?!
And it’s a delightful experience to paint Goddess images. Focusing and tuning into the essential sacred qualities they represent can be an elevating experience. A number of the Goddess images on the site were created as the result of requests for commissions, which gave me the opportunity to discover the particular essence of each form and archetype as representative of the divine feminine.
I feel nourished by color, so it’s always gratifying to let a wash of vibrant color flow across the blank white paper. There’s a true joy in co-creating. The painted form, inspired by a moment in time, will take on its own particular being and personality. There’s a dance between control and abandon and the finished piece may evolve into something spontaneously different from what originally inspired it.
My hope is to uplift and inspire the viewer. So please take a moment from what can be a whirlwind of busy routines and pause. Steep for a while in the beauty of color and form and let it nurture and center you. May you find beauty and may it bring you joy!
~ Patti Blair
Flowers and birds have long been favorite subjects. What would the world be without them?!
And it’s a delightful experience to paint Goddess images. Focusing and tuning into the essential sacred qualities they represent can be an elevating experience. A number of the Goddess images on the site were created as the result of requests for commissions, which gave me the opportunity to discover the particular essence of each form and archetype as representative of the divine feminine.
I feel nourished by color, so it’s always gratifying to let a wash of vibrant color flow across the blank white paper. There’s a true joy in co-creating. The painted form, inspired by a moment in time, will take on its own particular being and personality. There’s a dance between control and abandon and the finished piece may evolve into something spontaneously different from what originally inspired it.
My hope is to uplift and inspire the viewer. So please take a moment from what can be a whirlwind of busy routines and pause. Steep for a while in the beauty of color and form and let it nurture and center you. May you find beauty and may it bring you joy!
~ Patti Blair
"He who works with his hands is a laborer.
He who works with his hands, and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands, and his head, and his heart, is an artist."
~ St. Francis of Assisi
He who works with his hands, and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands, and his head, and his heart, is an artist."
~ St. Francis of Assisi